Minister’s Blog – October 2016
One of the things that I enjoy about what I do is the variety. At the moment this includes all that is happening with our current building project. It has been interesting to see all the different stages that this involved. Once you have been through all the initial discussions, pricing and agreeing what needs to be done, the work then begins. The first thing that needed to happen was to clear out the space where the work was to be carried out, during which we made a number of discoveries including old church magazines, past orders of service, small amounts of money, as well as the chewing gum that we found under the pews (some we believe going back many years!!). The other stages include getting everything ready, finding places to store everything temporarily, finding homes for all the pews (across Sheffield and beyond) the combined efforts of various skilled workers, making decisions about colour schemes and opening up to let people have a peek at what is happening and how it is all changing,
While we are looking forward to the end result which I think will be great, it is important for us to remember that there is some other building work going on at the moment. God says as His people we are being built up spiritually.
As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2v4-5)
Just like any building project we are a work in progress, the great news for us is that, God is the builder! Sometimes progress seems to happen quickly, at other times a lot of time and effort goes into the fine details. God never gives up on us – He never looks at what needs to be done and thinks it’s too big a job! God is working on His master plan in our lives, to shape us into the best we can be.
I believe we have much to give thanks for in terms of the building work that is taking place in both our church and in our own lives. We need to look towards the opportunities that He will give us in both to be somewhere / someone where God is at work.
Rev. Chris Hawley